The transit time for your shipment varies on several factors including the network, service option, and pricing level selected at booking. Understanding how transit times work for both direct and integrated shipments is critical for planning efficient pick-ups and deliveries. If you’re ever unclear about your shipment’s transit time, it’s always best to refer to updates in the dashboard.
Local Transit Times
Same-day and next-day service is available on our local network. The best way to find out how long it will take for your shipment to be delivered is to check the real-time updates provided in the dashboard. You'll be able to see the shipment's live location and estimated delivery date.
It's important to select the right service level to ensure the timely delivery of your shipment. At booking, you'll automatically be provided with all of the available service levels. Not sure if your shipment will qualify for same-day service? Check out this article.
LTL Transit Times
Long-haul shipments booked with Mothership are serviced by our third-party nationwide LTL carriers and there are multiple service levels available. LTL shipment updates will appear in the dashboard as they become available from our third-party carriers.
It's important to note that the estimated transit times for most LTL shipments are not guaranteed delivery dates. An estimated transit time for LTL shipments refers to the amount of time the carrier is estimated to spend in transit. Transit time begins once after the shipment has been picked up, not from the day it was booked. Have a time-sensitive shipment? Book guaranteed delivery.
The estimated time provided at booking is intended to provide a general idea of when the shipment is expected to arrive at its destination. Additionally, transit times don't include weekends, holidays, or the day of pick-up. Transit times may vary up to two days due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions, traffic, or mechanical issues. Not sure which LTL service level is right for you? Check out this article.
If the pick-up or delivery date changed for your shipment and you're unsure why, check out this article.