When you earn a credit on your account, you'll be able to find the credit right here in the Settings section of your dashboard. The number of credits available will be listed below your payment methods.
Just so you know, any credits are automatically applied to your next shipment booked with us.
There are two primary ways you can earn credits on your Mothership account.
1. Referrals: When you refer a customer from the Rewards section of your dashboard, they'll receive an email with a promo code to use on their first shipment. Once the referred customer uses the promo code and makes their third shipment, a $100 credit will automatically be placed on your account.
2. Support: In some rare instances, you may receive credit from our support team.
One other note: Credits are different from promotional codes. A promotional code has to be input when you're purchasing to discount your shipment; a credit will apply to your shipment automatically.
Users with an Accountant login can view the amount due and available credit at the top of the billing overview.
3. Overpayments on terms invoices: If there is an overpayment on your terms invoice, a finance team member will credit your account with the overpayment amount. Credits will automatically apply
Viewing your credit history:
You can visit the Billing > Account Credit section of your dashboard to see when credits have been added to your account and which shipments they have been applied to. You can also view your total account credits, lifetime credits issued, and credits applied.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the Mothership support team via the “Support” tab of the Dashboard.